

Intelligent Repeaters and Robots for Fast, Reliable, Low-Cost RFID Inventorying & Localization, Project Code T1EDK-03032



In the context of “RELIEF”, we are building two terrestrial robots, a drone and a repeater. The two robots are equipped with sensors that allow them to create a map of the environment and locate themselves in it (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping - SLAM). At the same time, they are equipped with one (or more) RFID reader(s), which constantly interrogate any RFID tag around. By properly processing the information that the tag sends, the robot determines the location of the tags and thus the location of the products that they are attached to.


Similarly the drone repeats the same process, deploying a different architecture, and less precisely, as it cannot lift the weight of the equipment of the terrestrial robots. In order to lift such equipment, the drone would have been too large and impractical for enclosed spaces. However, the drone is able to record all the products in its flight area and to determine their position with a few centimeters (less than 30cm) accuracy.


Finally, we build a repeater capable of increasing the available power on the label, increasing the reading area of the reader. As the tags (RFID tags) do not have a battery, they limit the range of an RFID system. Instead, the reader could "read" a label from a larger distance, as part of its sensitivity remains untapped. We propose to build a cheap repeater that boosts the power on the label so it can be read from a longer distance.

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